Saturday, May 25, 2013

Where is your SoundTrack???????????????

Is it just me that thinks everyone should walk around with some musical devise that plays music to the mood your in.  Honestly I think it could solve so many issues.  Think about it, depending on the music that is being played the device will help you understand whether or not to approach someone who is clearly having a shitty day.  I hate it when you go to talk to someone and you clearly walked into their mood music at the wrong time.  Now this obviously works for yourself.  How great would it be for someone to just leave you alone solely based on the mood of the music being played.  AHHHHHHH you could finally tell someone how you feel without even having to open your mouth.  That could save me some serious Backlash.  Heaven knows I can rip someone apart for just talking to me in the wrong minute, shit second.  I'm working on it, I swear.  I'll have to post my mood music for the day so you all know when it's appropriate to chat. Hahaha  I think I'm in the Mood for Some:::::: Ruling the World

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