Thursday, May 30, 2013

Why the Red Barron Caused me to Smile

Now your gonna think I'm some crazy weirdo, but that's not different from any other day that you would know me but, today I smiled because of the Red Barron. Your probably wondering what or who the Red Barron is and well it's really Quite Simple: Izzy my little White dog.

Izzy Girl (Red Barron) AKA Skillet





She is reason I was awoken so Early this morning. I awoke to my phone blowing up as though I actually had cellular Service in Kosovo. All of the messages that I received were via EMAIL< FACE BOOK< TEXT< and <TANGO. Seriously what was so damn important. OH only one very important question. Hey Are the Animals Fixed? Yes Fixed? So tired as shit, I responded to the desperate messages demanding an answer ASAP, only to sit there and not receive a response back from Kris. SO like a crazy woman I TANGO called her and to my surprise i had the best response. These Crazy Asses were having a lovely dinner at my Clubhouse, or should I say their Clubhouse.

 I Seriously felt so Happy to talk to my friend in such an unexpected manner. It was so good to hear all their voices and insults and derogatory comments about how tired i may have looked. it was so good to see them enjoying themselves at my expense of less sleep and of course, laughing at me when i reminded them once again that my DAMN dogs name is IZZY not SKILLET.
Honestly though it was the best conversations you could have from my dysfunctional family. I'm extremely blessed. I'm sure that they all fell asleep shortly after their amazing feast of food and will be waking up to a pleasant feeling in the morning of having the chance to talk to me.
 Ha. I'm sure they loved it as much as i did. Shit I hope so at least. Anyhow, I really didn't have a topic to write about today and so I'm so glad they gave me a reason to write. They gave me more than that really. They made me feel special and loved and Honestly I can't wait to get back there and go to the Clubhouse and make fun of each other and well DAMMIT just be our crazy ass selves without a care in the world. I love you all so much. Here is the Best Shout Out Ever.


To Josh C., Your Silly and I'm glad that my Pop up Goalies will get some good use for you and your boy this summer.

To Josh L., I'm so glad i got to chat with you even if it was for a minute, make sure you lock up the keys to Ayshia's Curling Iron and keep an eye on that boy.

To Fiona, Ah Fiona I totally Miss the hell out of you. I know you have your hands full with all the mucking around with our boys, but hell you can handle it. Keep Ayshia locked up with that curling Iron and have Harley swallow the key, that should help you. I'm so happy about you having GAGE all the time, I miss those kids and I know things are going great for you guys. Miss you Love You.

To Justin, I love you man and I mean that, tell Keely to Back off. Just kidding I'm sure she is a sweet person. I miss having Coffee and Cooking. You better be there when I get back, Screw finding a job down south. Up north needs you more. OK, that was Selfish, your boy needs you more, so basically move up north and things will be easier. Ha, I know how much you love the south. Miss you MUAH


To Brian, Bri it was so good to see you and hear you. I hope you are doing alright and I hope you keep busy with all the ruckus at my house with the other Arty boys. Behave is all I can say to you all. Give my love to the girls, all of them I miss them. Keep smiling and have some faith, if you don't already. Love you. H

To Jen., Damn you woman, why do you have to be so HIGHSPEED that you always get opportunities to grow and learn. How can I follow in your Footsteps if your not there. So sad to hear of you leaving, but so Happy for you in the Same light. You are such a great mentor and I can't wait to catch up when I get back. Keep an eye on all my crazy little shits over there.


To Rory; Speaking of Little Shits. Thank you seriously from the bottom of my heart for being the only one in the house that actually likes to take care of my animals. You rock. Thanks for being a great listener with I need someone to talk to. Seriously it's nice. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of those kind of people and I'm seriously blessed in that fashion, but with you it's just a little bit different. Love you.

To Kris, Holy shit I bet people are sick of this post already, but I don't care. Thank you Thank You Thank You. You are some freaking awesome for trusting in yourself to take a chance on Utah. Honestly I think this change in life is gonna be so epic and I cant wait for the real adventure to start when I get home. I love you so much Woman and I can't wait to get home and have some Wine with my girls. Kick ass on your interview today and Rock that shit like I know you can.

i love you guys
much and will see you soon
OH and Shout out to IZZY thanks for causing such a commotion you Bleeding Red Barron


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Loving... with the Difference

Between the many differences men and women have, is there a way that we could be more connected to each other than we think?  Why is it Men seem to not be sensitive to Women.  Why can’t Women be more understanding to Men? Is there some parallel boundary that brings the two together, or is it more of an endless search for compromise?  And why must we compromise?  Shouldn’t we be ourselves and never change for anyone
besides your self?  
That’s even questionable.  Why are there too many parallels between Men and Women?  Throughout our history you would have thought that by now Men and Women could see eye to eye.  Men should know Women need a little more attention, and Women should know Men need their ultimate space at times.  If knowing this could make LOVE easier, wouldn’t we just tell ourselves this to begin with? Can’t this be taught in some kind of high school class?  It could be called “How to be happy in love and life with Men and Women.”  This makes sense.  A class that explains how to handle the problems Men and Women have even before we come to deal with them. 
Throughout life, love comes and goes but I believe that you can have many loves, but there is only one great love, and when you find it, you will know. Sure love is always questionable but finding that one great love is the best sense of comfort ever.  I was once told that you should marry your Best Friend, the person in whom you can talk to, say anthing to, listen to  and do anything with.  The one person, who no matter how hard things get, will always be the one there for you regardless.  There however, are many imposters that you may be faced to deal with.  Do not try to avoid them, they are sent to you for certain reasons unbeknownst to us.  Someone has the best interest in you and you should just believe in it. No matter how idiotic the situation may be, trust in trust.  Everything happens for a reason, life is full of lessons that come full circle, for every action there is a reaction. 
This post is mostly for all of you that have found those Loved ones, maybe even those who have lost those Loved ones, and for the ones who Haven't found what your Looking for.  I can't speak too much about my Loves, they have all seemed to disapear from my existance with plenty of help on my behalf.  Who knows maybe I'll find love again, but I doubt i will ever Find that One True Love again, that ship came and sailed already.  However I'm a believer in Love and Can't wait to be in it Again. 


And.... One More Thing

As I sit here and think back to my wonderful Monday, I'm left wondering how many people didn't actually understand what Memorial Day is really about.  I'm sure most people truly know what it is, but don't take the time to actually feel the meaning within their hearts.  Is that something only Veterans or Families of lost hero's feel. 




Or is it so much simpler than that.  Although my daughter is young, she is very aware of the placement of your hand over your heart during the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. 

Departing Utah for my Deployment.  Great Farewell with Best Guys
Tucker Holding the American Flag at the Real Soccer Game

Then again she thinks everyone is in the Military in some way or another.  I wonder if my child will grow to understand the importance of the decisions her family members have made. The decision to join the Organization that stands behind the Citizens and fights for the Freedom of Others.  It's not as if I would ever persuade my daughter into believing that I'm some awesome Soldier who has done and seen so many things worthy of attention. She will know exactly what kind of Woman I am, she is quite intuitive. I'm the kind of Soldier that will teach her to be proud of anything that she does. (PERIOD) 

Family Tradition

The Military uniform has been worn by so many of my Family members and I'm truly honored to have fallen into the footsteps of my amazing family.  We are so blessed to live in a Nation where Men and Women would fight for the rights and lives of others.  There is something to be said about being proud of what you do.  I had the opportunity to eat some American BBQ on Monday and drink some Ice Tea and although I'm miles away from home and my loved ones on Memorial day, I never felt closer to home than Monday.  There is something about BBQing and relaxing with your extended family to remind you of what amazing Freedom's we really have.  None if which would be possible with out the sacrifices of the Military Members of the Past, Present and Future. 

Thank you to EVERYONE that has ever served the great Nation we call home.   I hope there was a Moment of Silence brought upon you on that Great Day and you honestly reflected the moment with all the love in your Heart.  I know I did.  Thank You to My family and My Extended Family (Friends)who Have Served.

Bill Breck-  Grandpa- USMC
Michael D. Breck- Dad- US Air Force
Christopher W. Breck- Uncle-US ARMY
CSM Robert Breck-Uncle- US ARMY
Eugene Eldredge-Uncle- US ARMY
Steven Breck- Uncle-US ARMY
Billy Breck- Cousin-US ARMY
Evan Breck- Brother-US ARMY

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Waffles. Coffee and UFC

As I Sit here in my new favorite establishment I'm often reminded of the things that make me love the country I'm from.  Now here me out.  Waffles, no I'm not a fan really and I really wouldn't eat Waffles at home, and to be completely honest they don't necessarily remind me of the US as much as the remind me of my daughter.

I have the fortune of having a very picky Daughter, and I could blame her dad all day long for being picky too, but we all know that I'm just as picky.  having said that Tucker will eat waffles without butter of course. 
Or as long as she doesn't know it there she will eat it, but again its great that my kid doesn't like butter, just means its one less thing to cause her high cholesterol.  So having a waffle with strawberries and bananas this morning was glorious since it reminded me of my Silly little one.  I realize the picture has her eating a pancake, but you get the idea


UFC, Now I love me some UFC, I gotta say though this particular line up Cain Velasquez and BigFoot2 Silva, wasn't as impressive as I would have Liked.  Seriously does anyone else thing that BigFoot2 Silva is a mix of Dalph Lundgren and Andre' the Giant.  Not too impressed, but nonetheless Its still a UFC fight.  I love getting a group of People over to the house and throwing a whole bunch of different junk food items and beverages and getting all wrapped up into the intense hitting of fists.  I LOVE UFC.  The only thing that is driving me crazy is the fact that the Annoying Airmen, that I referenced in an earlier blog, WILL NOT SHUT UP, seriously manI don't need a play by play from a Nose talking Loud drunk sounding man.  It's really annoying. I'm going insane.  Thanks heavens he wont be here for much longer, gotta long the short deployments of the Air force. 

Now on to my final Reminder of Freedom.  COFFEE.  I'm so addicted and one of the normal rituals back home is to go to Maverick and get some Coffee, that's if I have time of course.  the other option is to go into Jones's office and make a cup of Joe, or enjoy the Loveliness of my Roommate Justin who makes coffee in the Morning before we roll out.  Man I miss those random Coffee mornings.  In reality I think I'm just missing the things I love.  Coming in this Little Place called SAMS gives me a sense of Home and a sense of Humanity.  The small things that you miss, the things that others may take for granite.  Of course my Missing my Daughter is not something that is small by any means, or something that I take for granite, but It is something very much necessary for my livelihood.  Damn I miss my LIFE.  Just a little Shout out to my Peeps back at home who are taking care of my house and pets, I love you and thank you everyday.  Courtesy of the K.C.C.K Ranch you guys mean the world to me. 
JUSTIN< RORY<JOSH<KRISTINA  miss you all. Especially IZZY<MANNY<BRAVE  and don't try changing their names you crazy asses. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Where is your SoundTrack???????????????

Is it just me that thinks everyone should walk around with some musical devise that plays music to the mood your in.  Honestly I think it could solve so many issues.  Think about it, depending on the music that is being played the device will help you understand whether or not to approach someone who is clearly having a shitty day.  I hate it when you go to talk to someone and you clearly walked into their mood music at the wrong time.  Now this obviously works for yourself.  How great would it be for someone to just leave you alone solely based on the mood of the music being played.  AHHHHHHH you could finally tell someone how you feel without even having to open your mouth.  That could save me some serious Backlash.  Heaven knows I can rip someone apart for just talking to me in the wrong minute, shit second.  I'm working on it, I swear.  I'll have to post my mood music for the day so you all know when it's appropriate to chat. Hahaha  I think I'm in the Mood for Some:::::: Ruling the World

And So it Begins.......

I decided I would try this whole blogging thing out.  I realized more and more that I have so much to say and yet I don't get out everything I want to say.  I'm not even sure if this blog will ever take off, but I guess I'll never know until I try.  I just think you all should know that I'm going to write this post like i talk and not how I should write.  I believe in free flowing thoughts.  And speaking of Free Flowing thoughts, I have to sit here in a little Cafe called Sams and listen to this really annoying, loud and extremely ridiculous Airmen who absolutely loves to hear himself talk.  Honestly it's interesting to listen in on other peoples conversations simply to help you realize that maybe my life isn't as bad as I thought.  we usually discover that when we hear the misery in others stories, but honestly this guys voice and stories are causing me more misery then Kathy Bates in the movie herself.


Whhhheeewww, he disappeared for a bit.  The sad thing about his conversations with the other Airmen was that it didn’t have any substance or reason.  Then again I’m writing a blog to a website for people to read and I’m sure there will be plenty of words that I say that have no substance or reason. 

Well I’m on an adventure of life and I figured what better way to share my experiences with others, than to simply put it out there for everyone to read.  For those who don’t know me I’m a wicked cool woman who isn’t afraid to share my thoughts, and often times that get me in trouble.  I’m definitely more cautious about what I say around my daughter, but I for sure need to be better for everyone, some things Hayley are not necessary to say.  I’m in the Military and really enjoy what I do for a living.  I have been blessed with a very supportive family.  Who along with my Ex-husband care for my Daughter while I’m away?  I’m not always away and that is a very wonderful feeling to have.  I recently had been told that I was going to go on a deployment for a year, and bonus someone lied, it’s only 9 months now.  Best news I’ve had since I reached my destination. 

 Leaving my sweet little one has been the hardest thing I’ve have ever done in my life. It has been such a challenge to stay positive and optimistic. I hate the time zone difference, getting to talk to your kid when you want to should be a rule, not when the time zone permits.


 It's bad enough being away from everyone and everything you surround yourself with, but not being able to see, touch or hold that little one is torture.