I remember when I felt
alive and renewed and loved. I remember a time when I thought about
something other than stressful things. I remember a time when it was so
easy to forgive and forget and you could go about your business minding everyone
Else's. I remember a time when I didn't worry about everything.
Here's the problem, when did I remember these times? I can't remember, I
just know that in my bones I was once young enough to understand that I didn't
have the whole world on my Shoulders. Can I please go back to those
unmemorable day's? I just want to be less than what I am now so I can remember
the Little Things. When did we stop being nice to each other? When
did we think it was OK to pretend to like someone?
When did you decide
that you were better than anyone else? When did you lose yourself to
giving in? Why is it, that we have forgotten who we are suppose to
be? Why can't we remember that we all have our issues, we all have our
own insecurities, our own pain, our own love? Why do you think you have
any business in peddling in the lives of others? Who gives you that
right? Can't you remember what its like to smell the flowers, say hello
to a stranger, acknowledge someone with your eyes and not just your
Don't you realize that the little things mean the most? The
genuine laugh of a child, the sign of relief from a hard workout complete, the
smell of pine sol in your clean kitchen, the sound of silence after the loudest
play date ever, the smell of homemade Lasagna baked just right and perfect, the
coolness of a soft breeze.

I think a lot, and when I think a lot,
I forget to write things down, I get distracted in the emptiness of
unimportance, I get so wrapped up in the ugliness of petty people, I get
wrapped up in the stupidest of dumbness. I forget who I am, I forget that
I'm not perfect.

want to remember that the goal is within reach and it's just a matter of waking
up. Waking up to the reality, that confines us, the reality that makes us
believe we aren't good. I want to WAKE UP from this unreality.

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