Picture if you will, Black Velvet playing in the background, wine within reach and the immense feeling that you have to say something!!!!!!!!

There comes a time when your life shifts from being all about you, to being all about how you make a Difference.
Whether that’s in the eyes of your children, the heart and soul of your Spouse. The reflection you shine to those who see you.
The ones who really See you. Not the person you think you are or have been. But the person that shines through the darkness and brightens those who need the light more. I’ve never been comfortable hiding behind a

More epic then I could have ever imagined
A friend with empathy and true compassion for those Damn Good Women.

Hear you soul, hear your weakened whisper of freewill and destroy your dark shadows of insecurities.
i have been able to get through so many struggles by listening to the words of those artists but in an empowering way.... the way we speak to ourselves or the way others speak words through us
I have always found a sense of peace in the lyrics of songs. I can listen to all types of music for hours on end.
All songs have meaning, and comfort can be found within those notes.

Think of all the horrible things we’ve said to ourselves so many times

if you were to look back at any particular point in life where you were hurting you may have listened to dark depressing music, and to some that might seem... well depressing.

i have added a few song lyrics in this blog to help you open your eyes to the words we really should be hearing and forget about the rest.

At seventeen, I started to starve myself
I thought that love was a kind of emptiness
And at least I understood then the hunger I feltAnd I didn't have to call it loneliness
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
We all have a hunger
Don't let it get you down, you're the best thing I've seen
We never found the answer, but we knew one thing
We all have a hunger (we all have a hunger)(even full on soggy ass cabbage that Elise just can't get enough of)

Seriously, when i heard this song and then really listened to her words, i realized that we all in fact have a Hunger, whether that's fitting in, not feeling alone, not feeling good enough, whatever your reasons, we all have a Hunger for something we don't feel like we are every going to get.....

remember that you are Loved beyond words and you don't need anyone to tell you otherwise. one of the most incredible take aways I've received from The Ladies Edge,

about the workout.
these women and Brad(My Person) have become my saving Grace. I have been the kind of person to give and give and give and growing up i only cared to make other people smile.

I have been so overwhelmed by the amount of love i have received. it's incredible to develop strong relationships from what some may call an Internet dating site for people who workout together.
blah blah blah, social media didn't build the relationships, it only brought us together. I'm beyond grateful for our tremendous strong and fierce Leader Michelle Bishop
Love Yourself for who you really Are, not for What you Wish You Were.
Inside Out- Tyrone Wells
That's not what keeps us togetherIt's more than your body
It's more than the way you smile
All that you are
I love your from your inside out
there are day's when we wake up and don't want to get up. there are day's that life feels so heavy and unbearable. there are day's when we feel like the whole world is against us and we are drowning in our sorrows.

Cause we can't walk until we crawlWe can't run unless we fall
Did you know that we were born to fly
And you're gonna watch me rise again
You're gonna watch me rise again, yeah
I don't belong on the ground, no
Out of the ashes and fire
I'm gonna keep climbing higher
Rise again
When you're headed for another crash landing
And everyone around you panics
You can do anything
You just spread your wings and
You are bold, you are brave
In the dark you are brighter
I love your from your inside out

too many times we find ourselves in a Rut. we beat ourselves up for one reason or another. but... why?????
why can't we see for ourselves that WE ARE ENOUGH, that WE CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING, that we AREN'T DEFINED BY OUR WEIGHT, that we more than THE STONES THAT HAVE BEEN THROWN AT you
Rise again Tyrone Wells
Rise again Tyrone Wells
Voices in my heading saying they don't want me
But I won't let the demons in the dark define me
I'm not caving in, I get up again
But I won't let the demons in the dark define me
I'm not caving in, I get up again

Cause we can't walk until we crawlWe can't run unless we fall
Did you know that we were born to fly
And you're gonna watch me rise again
You're gonna watch me rise again, yeah
Out of the ashes and fire
I'm gonna keep climbing higher
Rise again
Bottom Line Ladies and Brad, We are a Fighter, we won't let the words, or thoughts or feelings define us. NO MORE. you've got this Seriously YOU'VE GOT THIS!!!!!!!!!
Fighter -Tyrone Wells
Throwing words like sticks and stones
You just let it be
You don't make enemies
You just let it be
You don't make enemies
When you're headed for another crash landing
And everyone around you panics
You can do anything
You just spread your wings and
You are bold, you are brave
In the dark you are brighter
Lover, you're a fighter
Lover, you're a fighter
You are fierce, you're a force
You're a girl on fire
Lover, you're a fighter
You are fierce, you're a force
You're a girl on fire
Lover, you're a fighter
Lover, you're a fighter
Bish Bash 2018 and 2019, The LIFER Retreat and all the amazing FaceTime calls, ext messages, emails and facebook love, has me KNOWING without a SHADOW of a DOUBT that I'm in the right place in my Life.
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