Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Your NOT my Person, YOUR MY SISTER

Yea!!!!! You’re not my Person.  You are my Sister.  I have been blessed with so many people in my life that are individually important to me and I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me TODAY.  Merry Christmas you crazy ass woman. 
You have been a very significant part of my life for some years now and I’m very fortunate to call you my Amazing Friend.  It’s a lovely day here in Pristina, Kosovo.  The sun is shining, the coffee is so tasty and I get to spread words across the world to Massachusetts.  So having said that:
I know this woman who has the craziest, most wicked amazing legs, and that’s not even the best part of her, but very worthy of mentioning nonetheless. 

She has the most amazing laugh, the kind that can really pull you out of the crappiest mood and make you forget why you were in that mood in the first place. 
She has the most tender touch while brushing the hair of her favorite little Tucker Grace.  She has the softest spirit, the kind that makes you want to believe in miracles and even in magic. 
 She makes you feel good about yourself by just a glance she gives you.  She is so amazing at listening and rarely cuts your reality down with honesty, but she will give you the most honest answer that you really already knew, but still needed to hear. 
 She only judges those who judge but doesn’t let you get away with the harsh words you say without giving you a piece of her mind in the most wicked way. 
She is brutally funny and stupidishly silly.  She makes you feel good about yourself by her ability to be herself.  I love this amazing woman.  She has taught me so much about being REAL.  She has taught me so much about Humility and honesty. 
She has taught me how to look at the bigger picture, the goals, the future, the beginning of a new.  She has taught me to be myself again, something that I forgot how to be for so long. 
She has made me realize that not everything in life will fall apart and that it is OK to crumble at times. 
She made me really look in the mirror and want to change the ugliness inside of myself. 
I’m a better mother because of Kristina, funny since she doesn’t even have any children yet, however she has every ounce of her own Mother in her and that is why she is so motherly herself. 
I love you Kris, Merry Christmas; I hope you and your family have an amazing Day.  You mean the world to me and I just wanted you to know.
I have so many strong women in my life that have made me who I am, and I’m extremely fortunate to have so many of them. 
 Today though, I wanted to let you know Kristina that you are not my Person, because you are more importantly my Sister.
Today Kris, your Christmas gift, are my words, the words from my heart and soul and honestly, it’s the best gift I could ever give you, because it’s raw, true and so very REAL.   
 PS give your amazing MOM a hug from me and tell her Thank you from me for raising such an amazing Woman.
she deserves to know that she is a tremendously strong woman who did everything right with you and your Siblings.

Love you
really love





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