Often times we are reminded that the idea of GRACE is real, and not only REAL, but more powerful than any other feeling or Notion than we ever expected. Living through life as an unexpected challenge and preserving the right to breath are just simplified efforts of hardships.
Hardships are events that change YOU, they change your every being, they force you to swim without the knowledge or know-how to move your limbs in the vast Pool of your fears. Hardships come from tragic events, they approach you in such a way, that clarity can never be seen.
Those hardships enable you to learn how to Deal. Learn how to Feel, Love, Grieve and honestly, they teach you how to Believe. Belief is one of those few and far between Moments that change your Life immensely.
Kyley Changed My Life Immensely. I have found some comfort in the idea that Kyley is running around through the clouds playing with Sisco Cancer Free and Smiling Bigger than ever before.
I have been fortunate and blessed to be in the presence of an Angel in this delicate Human form and will forever be reminded of Grace.
It is not an easy idea to breath in, that a spiritual being such as Kyley left this realm for a different and more glorious realm.
However the struggle to believe in that glorious realm is, it is a wonderful belief to have. I know without a shadow of a doubt that the impression Kyley has left on all of us is much Bigger than the Cancer that took her from all of us.
I have often wondered over the past few years as to why this would happen to this beautiful soul and ultimately it came down to the Reason, I choose to believe in. She was so much Stronger than most and her ability to take upon that Cancer was simply, in my mind, because she was strong enough to do so.
Her spirit and strength was so much more than the Army of Soldier's that Love her.
As I have looked back at memories captured with the Cornwell family, I am often brought to a feeling of love and joy. Many of the memories or interactions between this loving family and myself, to include my Daughter have developed during difficult times in
each others lives.
Her spirit and strength was so much more than the Army of Soldier's that Love her.
As I have looked back at memories captured with the Cornwell family, I am often brought to a feeling of love and joy. Many of the memories or interactions between this loving family and myself, to include my Daughter have developed during difficult times in
each others lives.
I have found moments of clarity and kindness within the realms of Garage Walls and comfort food. I have found love and guidance in those weak moments and yet nothing could compare to the trying moments within those garage walls as that in which the Cornwell's have felt.
yet, with each time we exchanged hugs, giggles and passing moments, nothing was ever so saddening that we couldn't laugh our way out of the pain.
I can not even begin to imagine the emotion of loss as this family has felt and I have witnessed it first hand as so many people have.
That is the Cornwell way, everyone was included in this journey and we all grew to appreciate life's little moments even more because of Cancer and the power it tried to take away from Kyley. Kyley has the most amazing view on life.
When Tucker was assigned a report on a Famous person through history in her 3rd grade class back in October, she simply requested to do her report on the most famous person she knew, she Chose Kyley. How amazing is it for this naive little one to see past all of those so called Famous People and choose to pick the most Famous one she knew?
While she was writing this report, I had several conversations with Kyley about Kyley and what she is like, where she wanted to be in life, what she wanted to be and memories she cherished.
She told me of her desire to be a veterinarian when she grew up because of her love of Animals. She shared her great taste in music with her love of the Great Bob Marley and The Beetles.
She shared her most favorite memory, where the love of her life Daxton was flown out to Boston by her parents to Surprise her. She shared her love for her family and simple yet wonderful things about herself.
Especially her sense of Caring and love for all.
Her spirit is so pure and she grew so quickly away from the little girl we all watched growing up with her Better half Kayla.
It is incredible that we all have been blessed to experience each half of the Cornwell Twins together and individually.
I have seen Kayla pull in strength from god knows where to live this life with her better half to the fullest and has never faltered away from being the other half to each other's Whole.
I wish I had one ounce of courage and Strength Kayla has displayed for her love of Kyley.
She is so protective and a force to be reckon with and will outshine us all in the light and love that Kyley has left us with.
I am forever grateful that I was able to take in the time I have spent with this Wonderful family and I will be a better person because of the love they have given to all.
Everyone of us is a better Human being for knowing what pure Humanity and love looks like.
Kyley taught me how to be more humble, to let go of all the self doubt and insecurities. She may not have even known how much she impacted me, but I know and I will Never forget.
Thank you Brian and Carie for including me in your lives. Thank you Hayley, Taylor and Kayla for letting me love you all as my own family and Thank you Kyley for teaching me how to be a Stronger and more Loving Person.
You truly are a Hero, a Stronger version of any Angel God has every Graced upon this Earth.
She shared her most favorite memory, where the love of her life Daxton was flown out to Boston by her parents to Surprise her. She shared her love for her family and simple yet wonderful things about herself.
Especially her sense of Caring and love for all.
Her spirit is so pure and she grew so quickly away from the little girl we all watched growing up with her Better half Kayla.
It is incredible that we all have been blessed to experience each half of the Cornwell Twins together and individually.
I have seen Kayla pull in strength from god knows where to live this life with her better half to the fullest and has never faltered away from being the other half to each other's Whole.
I wish I had one ounce of courage and Strength Kayla has displayed for her love of Kyley.
She is so protective and a force to be reckon with and will outshine us all in the light and love that Kyley has left us with.
I am forever grateful that I was able to take in the time I have spent with this Wonderful family and I will be a better person because of the love they have given to all.
Everyone of us is a better Human being for knowing what pure Humanity and love looks like.
Kyley taught me how to be more humble, to let go of all the self doubt and insecurities. She may not have even known how much she impacted me, but I know and I will Never forget.
Thank you Brian and Carie for including me in your lives. Thank you Hayley, Taylor and Kayla for letting me love you all as my own family and Thank you Kyley for teaching me how to be a Stronger and more Loving Person.
You truly are a Hero, a Stronger version of any Angel God has every Graced upon this Earth.